The Creation Of Lotus Paper Co

The Creation Of Lotus Paper Co

The creation of Lotus Paper Co really came together pretty seamlessly and pretty quickly and I think I know why. 

I have always struggled with my mental health in the form of high functioning anxiety, which I thought was normal, "doesn't everyone think this way" is what I would say to myself. 

After I had my daughter in 2017, despite having a beautiful baby girl, my mental health started to spiral, and really came to a head in 2020 during the pandemic (this is the cliff notes version ;)).

At this point it was imperative that I make some changes and so I got properly diagnosed and even though I still struggled, I was learning and unlearning a lot of things, that would ultimately help to ease some of the awful symptoms I was experiencing. 

Through this experience I learned that I was not alone in my struggles and that people struggled in silence ,and probably felt the same stigma I felt. 

Mentioning that you struggle with your mental health can be extremely stigmatizing, and boy did I feel that to the 10th degree.

Because I love creating, I love entrepreneurship, I love planning and the planner community, plus, it's really important to me to make a difference, Lotus Paper Co came into existence.

There's a lot more that went into the creation of LPC, but this is the short version. 

At Lotus Paper Co I promise to speak up for those who can't, won't or don't feel comfortable doing so. It is also my mission to create products that not only help you get things done, but also help you to feel good while doing it. 

Know that for every item sold on the website a portion goes towards charity. Thank you for your donation and support.


Vienna Ortiz



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